Monday, September 30, 2019

The New Form of Presidency and Vice Presidency

With the research that I have gathered I believe Al Gore would pose as a good candidate to serve our country. However I also believe that George W. Bush would serve us well too. So I have come up with an idea that perhaps in the next presidential election there could be a republican and a democrat as running mates. Maybe one could be the vice president and the other the president. I believe that a lot more laws and bills could be passed, and the country could be satisfied as a whole. Maybe the country could even come up with a new form of presidency where there are two presidents and one vice president. Then laws and bills may not be passed without both presidents being in agreement. The vice president would perform the same duties, while the presidents could get twice as much done in half the time. Now if I had to choose on a presidential candidate it would be George W. Bush. I would choose him for two reasons, one for his beliefs on social security and two for his views on education. First off with social security and the way that it is currently heading I believe that there will not be enough money left to fund it for my children or me. Bush believes that it is a promise to our nation. He wants to change it, not for current retirees or those soon approaching it, but for the next generation. To put that money away where it can earn higher interest rates. Now on to Bush†s views on public education. He has already reformed the public schools in Texas, and he wishes to do it all across the country. He wants to offer states the freedom form federal intervention, but receive results in return. Performance checks with also be held annually. With those two reasons alone give me a good enough will to vote for bush. If I were eighteen I would have no trouble when Election Day came.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Theme of Short Story Lust

The Theme of â€Å"Lust† The theme of the short story â€Å"Lust† changes throughout the story as you continue reading. In the beginning, it seems as if the protagonist is doing what she likes and enjoys. However, as you keep reading you realize that the protagonist seems to be looking for a solution to forget the pain she is feeling. According to , â€Å"When you first start to read the story the protagonist seems to be experimenting with new things and new experiences.She is trying to get to know who she is as a woman in a sexual aspect. The author, in the beginning, uses short sentences with a more cheerful vocabulary. As the short story further continues, the sentences are much longer and the negativity shows. Her vocabulary is no longer cheerful. It is as if the protagonist is trying to get over an unbearable and painful relationship, but doesn’t know how†. In my opinion, I think the protagonist is afraid of loving again so keeps her emotions hidden.S he also keeps her distance and by doing so she turns to lustful activities with multiple partners. The protagonist is lacking some kind of love, she may not even love herself. If she cannot love herself then how can she love at all? The protagonist has a emptiness that she wants to fulfill, but does not know quite know how to. She feels sad and alone, even rejected in several different ways. She is feeling used by her multiple partners, yet deep down inside she wants them to love her in some kind of way, not just in a sexual way.The protagonist wants that sense of security and tender lovingness she is lacking in her life. She doesn’t seem to realize how badly she wants to fill that empty void she knows she has. I think that the protagonist feels she doesn’t even exist, her self esteem is very low and she has no confidence in herself. This could also mean she had some kind of family issues as a child. She may also be lacking love from her parents or they never showed he r love. If that is the case then she only knows how to be distant.She is afraid of opening up to a man and letting him in. She has definitely dealt with some type of heartache in the past. It is slowly destroying her and bringing her down. The protagonist is settling for less than what she deserves. This is all she knows and doesn’t think she deserves more. She is looking at the situation as being â€Å"better than nothing†. Furthermore, in all actuality her emotional pain is intensively increasing with each one of her lover’s.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Public Myth vs Social Reality Essay

Pierre Bourdieu asserts that public opinion does not exist. This poses the question, how should we conceive public opinion? If it is true that the public does not exist, than the real question is, whose opinion is public opinion? Rational Choice Theory poses that idea that human beings form their opinions and decisions based on collective observations and calculations. It also assumes all individuals are well informed of all of their options and that it is an inherent human tendency to think everyone makes decisions this way. If this is true, it would explain the blind faith people have in public opinion. It is a faith so devout, it often sways and molds popular culture ideals. Pierre Bourdieu strongly negates this view. Pierre Bourdieu is a highly acclaimed French sociologist. Born on August 1, of 1930, he recently passed away on January 23, 2002. His views embody the disciplines of many tenets including: philosophy, literary theory, sociology, and anthropology. He is the protagonist of the world of sociological studies, and he opposed and debunked some of the most prevalent antagonisms in the genre. His most popular work is Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. In the 1967 study, he interprets how members of the upper class define taste as an aesthetic. He finds that the public has no genuine representation in democratic societies. Rational Choice Theory is the theory that assume human beings naturally choose a given path dependant on whether it is the best means to achieve their goals. It is a belief in methodological individualism; this meaning it adopts the belief that social situations, and group behavior is solely the result of individual action. Within this theory, corporations and national governments are viewed as individual operators as well. The problem that arises with this theory are the certain assumptions. This theory assumes human beings are aware of certain information, of which they aren’t always aware, and it assumes that individuals consistently make mental calculations to determine their next decision. Bourdieu is historically known for his opposition to this theory, based on the fact that he feels human beings operate more based on how they feel toward a given situation or at a given time. In his book, Outline Theory of Practice, Bourdieu analyzes human nature. He points out the human tendency to conform. Doing one’s duty as a man means conforming to the social order, and this is a fundamentally a question of respecting rhythms, keeping pace, not falling out of line. ‘Don’t we all eat the same wheat cake? Don’t we all get up at the same time? These various ways of reasserting solidarity contain an implicit definition of the fundamental virtue of conformity. (Bourdieu, 1977) He later goes on to show that conformities only other opposition is eccentricity, which becomes natural for those intrigued by it irregularity. The opposite of which is the desire to stand apart from others. Working while the others are resting, staying in the house while the others are working in the fields, traveling on deserted roads, wandering round the streets of the village while the others are asleep or at the market – these are all suspicious forms of behavior. The eccentric who does everything differently†¦ (Bourdieu, 1977) Bourdieu believes that society cannot just be analyzed in terms of economic classes and ideologies, but that individual education and culture must be applied as well. Bourdieu does not separate people based on class and then analyze them, but groups everyone into what he calls a field/ social arena. This contradicts classic Marxism. In this field people compete and struggle to attain their desires. It is a system of social positions organized by terms of power relationships. This idea of terms of power is most easily defined as the differential between a judge and a lawyer. Within this field the social agents fight over monetary gain, or whatever holds symbolic significance. In all of Bourdieu’s beliefs, his most popular is his assertion that the public does not exist (1984). This concept is addressed in his book, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, in that he feels there is a different of class taste between the ruling class and popular culture. But, within this conflict, there is no public, only a media mediating between the two and a culture to which they often cater to do so. Jon Simons addresses this concept in his essay, Governing the Public: Technologies of Mediation and Popular Culture, when he says, technologies constitute the people as a mediated public. The public is only amenable to representation in the form of an electorate which is an effect of technical organization that can mediate between people at a distance from each other. The key point of this analysis is that the public does not exist prior to or outside of its constitution. (Simons, 2002) His essay evaluates the importance of media technologies within a democracy. Bourdieu feels that in this field of power struggle, the ruling class uses their cultural capital to assert their distinction (1984). This is seen in the way politicians might only use terms or syntax understandable to the elite of society. This separation between popular culture and the elite culture of a society makes it virtually impossible for government officials to ever get the unanimous appeal for which they often aspire. Most political elites view popular cultures’ apathy towards politics with great disdain. Even still, they relentlessly attempt to relate to popular culture voters, whom they know will support them. In John Fiske’s critique on television, Television Culture he analyzes the nature of what makes popular television. He concludes that the shows that succeed in gaining popularity tend to have many symbols and plot lines containing multiple meanings. He also states that remain within a duality of containment and resistance (1987). This idea basically revolves around the fact that television producers, who are viewed as the upper class and political elite, are expected to produce material that correspond with popular culture. This material that the elite minority culture produces for the popular culture contradicts elitist ideals but allows the status quo to remain intact. This means the political elite can only remain the elite so long as they humor the beliefs and ideals of their less powerful but more dominant counterparts. The rules Fiske establishes for television shows can very easily be applied to the media. They present the media as a tool being used to prey on the wants and needs of different cultures. Another media technology that isn’t always addressed is the literary outlets in societies. This is undoubtedly the reason that Pierre Bourdieu is an acclaimed literary theorist as well, addressing such theorist as reader response theory. Reader response theory augments the importance of the role of the reader in interpreting texts. It disagrees that there is a solitary, fixed meaning integral to every literary work. This theory embraces that an individual creates his or her own meaning through a â€Å"transaction† with the text based on personal associations. Because all readers bring their own emotions, concerns, life experiences, and knowledge to their reading, each interpretation is subjective and unique. It is common that many people trace the foundation of reader-response theory to scholar Louise Rosenblatt’s influential 1938 work Literature as Exploration. She believed, close readings of literature should practice impassiveness in the study of texts and should reject all forms of personal interpretation by the reader. The text is an independent entity that could be objectively analyzed using unambiguous methodological criteria (Rosenblatt’s, 1938). Her work has been the topic of study for many professors and theorists who specialize in this form of analysis. In Fish’s piece, Is there a text in this class? The authority of interpretive communities, he argues that the readings of a text are culturally constructed. He feels that reader-response theory recognizes the reader as an active agent who imparts real existence to the work and completes its meaning through interpretation. Reader-response is an experience that every user goes through during the act of reading, it transpires and it affects reader and sometimes this counteracts to force user to do some practical reaction (Fish, 1986). This aspect of Stanley Fish’s theory is one of the most radical and controversial and is part of the reason why many people object to the views backing this movement. He adds further rational to his stance with his view that most of the theories that are formulated on the grounds of practical experiences are likely to be accurate and are easily acceptable. The reader of reader-response theory is not just a hypothetical or theoretical reader, he is a practical reality (Fish, 1986). Since this theory has exact results it effects lives, personalities, cultures and societies. There are also some theories that fail but the reason of their failure is not the notion of being a textual work, it is their impractical approach that disappoints them (Fish, 1986). Fish’s attempt to place reader-response theory in a position of practical perspective more certifies its methodology. His political stance frees other theorists to do more in-depth analysis. Applied to the idea of public interpretation, we see that there is again another outlet for public opinion to be controlled through the targeting of specific popular culture emotions or ideals, and triggering whatever reader response might favor certain positions, or corporations. I’m sure news paper, and magazine advertisers are well studied in reader response-theory. Despite the insurmountable methods of control instilled on individuals, through popular culture, by the media, Simons argues that there are certain times when citizens group together in masses and act on their own apart from the propaganda projected by the media. A prime example of liberal citizens standing up and countering Bourdieu’s perception of public opinion is the Civil Rights movement in America. It was a much needed, and detrimental, shift in popular culture and eventually governmental law. A more contemporary version of this would be Hurricane Katrina, or 9/11. In her article Al Qaeda, Terrorism, and Military Commissions’, Ruth Wedgwood proves that though most American citizens consider terrorism to be a federal and national problem, it is very much a local one. Al Qaeda’s published doctrine maintains that there are no innocent civilians in Western society (Wedgwood, pg2)†¦ She later goes on to analyze the psychological foundation they use to form their tenet. She says,†¦this tenet leads it to [committing] the gravest of international crime[s] (Wedgwood, pg2). All of these qualities impose a large enough threat to individual human ideals and popular culture that a public arises from a nonentity. We also see this with protests. Here is where the weakness lies in Bourdieu’s theory. Despite this, we still see the prevention of certain liberal up risings maintained by systems of control, like racial, sexual and religious prejudice, or even class prejudice through the myth of the American Dream. The American dream that one can become something from nothing is the main reason why America is the fastest growing country. It is often seen as a melting pot encompassing many different religions and nationalities. People move to America with dreams of becoming wealthy, but many of the ideologies that have existed within the country for years inhibit these dreams from coming true. It is Harlon L. Dalton’s belief that Horatio Alger’s writings, during the mid to late 1800’s, promoted a destructive myth that overlooked the realities of society. Dalton specifically targets Alger’s story Ragged Dick, about a young man who devoutly works his way up the American corporate ladder slowly succeeding based on his merit. Dalton feels the myth implied by this is that the American dream is accessible to all those who are willing to work for it. Alger has been a highly acclaimed writer in American culture, and the popularity of his work partly suggests that most Americans have and inherent belief in this myth. If this mindset is a part of the mental tapestry of America, and it is as destructive as Dalton claims it to be, it would mean that American’s are inherently delusional. One might argue that this is only the problem of the minorities in this country, but Dalton protests that part of the want for most Americans to believe in this myth is fueled by a white discomfort with addressing the reality of a racial problem in America. He identifies this when he says, By interring the myth of Horatio Alger, or at least forcing it to coexist with social reality, we can accomplish two important goals. First, we can give the lie to the idea that Black people can simply lift themselves up by their own bootstraps. With that pesky idea out of the way it is easier to see why White folk need to take joint ownership of the nation’s race problem†¦ (Dalton) This idea of dual ownership for racial injustice is a concept Dalton feels most whites avoid and is a concept we see on many occasions being played out by the media in daily society. This is just a perfect example of the power of popular culture to create a sense of public opinion. In Horatio Alger’s day, the sociological circumstance of America was perfectly visible to every individual, but people chose to adopt the popular false reality projected from Alger’s novels. Alger was noted for not being a very skilled writer, and the majority of his novels were written solely for the purpose of maintaining his extremely large fan base, so he made sure his books adhered to certain ideals. Most of these ideals involved the overlooking of racial stratification. Racial stratification that existed in the U. K. at the beginning of the last century also deprived its colored citizens from the access to the most valuable resources the American society had, from the education, proper medical treatment etc. To make the Afro-Americans believe in the uniqueness of the whites they developed ridiculous theories of the mental or physical prevalence of their race. (Banton, 1998) Despite this, America wins the title for being the most racially conflicted, and thus corrupted. This corresponds with Bourdieu’s view that ethnicity and education will be one’s core sources of decision making, as apposed to ideology (1984). The first persuasion, which is that everyone can participate equally and can always start over, is troubling, as throughout most part of the American history, women of any race and men who were Native American, Asian, black, or just poor, were barred from all but a narrow range of elective positions. White men, especially European immigrants, able to ride the wave of the Industrial Revolution to comfort or prosperity, have always been the most valued members of the American society. Those who do not fit to that description, disappear from the collective self-portrait. The situation is that not only has the ideal of universal participation been denied to most Americans, but also the very fact of its denial is been denied in our national self-image. This state of things determines deep misunderstandings and correspondingly deep political tensions. This is especially true for the victims of racial attacks. Social stratification, according to some scientists has always accompanied the life of the human beings, after appearing on the down of the humankind history. The reason for its existence is a very simple one and it’s that the amount of resources this planet can provide is limited, thus it’s impossible to give everything needed or desired to everyone. As we all know people have always been unequal. It was determined by numerous factors even many centuries ago, and nowadays the amount of those factors has increased greatly. Despite of the principles about the equality of all of the society’s members that are declared in the contemporary society nowadays, the phenomenon of discrimination still exists in our country. This problem is enforced by Bourdieu’s public opinion created by the media, and heartfelt by many individuals. From one viewpoint it is only natural for people to treat those a certain way in accordance with their age, gender, religious beliefs, physical condition, but when these peculiarities are used for to determine the person’s rights or regulate his or her freedom of action and choice, it created huge problems in interpersonal and social communication, and other processes. One is only left to wonder what the state of racism would be in this country if it wasn’t constantly displayed as the symbol of western society. One might argue, like in the case with Horatio Alger, the disregard of racism only resulted in its unacknowledged enhancement. The very purpose of the Civil Rights movement in the states was to allow whites the opportunity to see how black were being treated by the police Lots of books and articles written recently, state that the degree of negative discrimination is still very high in the U. K. , which strings the social relations up, and leads to numerous conflicts within various racial groups. Martha Minow addresses this in many of her writings. In her essay on identity, titled Not Only for Myself Identity, Politics, and the Law, she says, There are two kinds of people in the world†¦those who think there are two kinds of people, and those who do not (Minow, 1997). Her essay reveals the ever segregating nature of Western Civilization, while she takes a clear stance in favor of the universal individual. Her essay takes an in depth look at the attitude that is truly necessary for one to make a lone effort towards furthering the genuine full racial integration of the United Kingdom. Her essay condemns all those who settle into social tribes of convenient sameness. To encourage those who oppose conforming to the common American culture of segregation, she describes in detail the trials of a young Nathan Marx. The story also suggests how an identity is founded on both the views of others and the individual; Marx is treated as a Jew both by his non-Jewish fellow officers and by the Jewish trainees. Both kinds of treatment influence his sense of himself as a Jew. Although he resists both, he defines himself in the course of that resistance (Minow, 1997). Here Minow points out a key factor of equality in that individuals all find equality in others in the fact that they refuse to be solely identified ethnically. Those who rather remain segregated are incapable of seeing others as equal to them and just harbor hate. This is a complexity that the U. K. often shares with the U. S. The ironic factor in this circumstance is that racial and religious separatism is just as much the result of the media as it is the people at adhering to it. If we look at the statistics found by the 2005 United States Census Bureau, the discrepancies in success among ethnicities is quite revealing.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Historical & Contextual Studies in Fashion Essay - 2

Historical & Contextual Studies in Fashion - Essay Example The essay "Historical & Contextual Studies in Fashion" discusses if the city of Paris still the center of the fashion. Currently, Paris is still one of the leading fashion centres alongside London, Milan and New York. Fashion around the world is still evolving, but the shopping centres of Paris are still the same, with a lot of shoppers from around the world and the famous High End Couture still receiving a lot of attention. Summer shopping is specifically becoming a common practice in Paris as people move around browsing boutiques along the arcades of historic Palais-Royal and the spectacular Canal of St. Martin. Fashion shopping is like a hobby for many people visiting the town, and fashion is like a tourist attraction in the entire Paris. This essay argues that Paris was once a centre for fashion and this is still the case until today considering the continuous fashion shopping practice that has dominated and evolved for centuries. Arguments for the proposition that Paris is still the centre of fashion in the world are far and wide. These arguments are basically about the history of Paris and its fashion institutions, and the factors that have influenced it throughout history. Paris is known throughout history as culturally fashioned city. Fashion has been considered as the cornerstone of national identity in Paris and France since the 19th century. By the second half of the century, fashion had become a booming business in France, with its base in Paris. Fashion developed alongside wider changes of the society.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Abraham lincoln as a trait,situational ,and transformational leader Assignment - 1

Abraham lincoln as a trait,situational ,and transformational leader - Assignment Example In astudy to determinethedistinctivetraits, a couple of researcheshavebeenconductwith theemphasis on identifyingthequalities of greatpersonalities. In 1948, Stogdill did a research on thetraitapproachandidentified ten leadershipcharacteristics(Northouse, 2010, p. 20).A similarstudywasdone by Mann (1959) but with littleemphasis on situational factorsandsuggested six traits that distinguish a leader from a non-leader. The two researchers realized five maintraits of an exceptionalleader. Abraham Lincoln as a lawyer, businessperson, andpoliticianexhibitsthesetraits, which includeintelligence, integrity, self-confidence, determination, andsociability. Northouse (2010) argue that an intelligent leader is one who portrays traits such as â€Å"strong non-verbal ability, perceptional, and their reasoning appears superior† (p.22). Abraham Lincoln is such leader. He was a well read, intelligent and an inspirational leader, which is evident through his devotion on the constitution and the rights of individuals (p.23). The second trait is his integrity nature, which is a quality of honesty and trustworthiness. According to Northouse (2012), such leaders take responsibility of their action and this bestows confidence in their followers (p. 24). Lincoln as a businessperson, became to be known as â€Å"Honest Abe† a nickname he earned when he pledgedto payall the debts realized from his failed business. Thethird traitdepicted by Lincoln is self-confidence; the ability to be sure of one’s proficiency and skills. Such ability influences others and thus, a leader feels confident that the efforts to influence others are justifiable. Lincoln with confidence, he appointed and swapped some Army commanders andhe defended his decisions against public attack and defended each one of the commanders.The forth trait is determination; the ability to get the task done through initiation,

Discuss how Recent Globalization Trends Have Affected the Aerospace Research Paper

Discuss how Recent Globalization Trends Have Affected the Aerospace Industry - Research Paper Example The aspect of globalization has affected every segment of the industry including the aviation and aerospace industry. The present study would analyze the effect of globalization on the business prospects of the aerospace industry. Effect of Globalization on Aerospace Industry The global aerospace industry consists of both airline companies that are engaged in the transportation of individuals from one point to another as well as the suppliers of aircrafts and parts such as Boeing and Airbus. The global defense and aerospace industry has been valued at 910 billion US dollars as of 2008 and the value is expected to grow by 6.17 percent on a year on year basis, The industry is a very globalised outlook with consumers including organizations as well as governments who are essentially looking towards best deals for their money (Wipro, â€Å"Aerospace Industry†). ... This has arguably increased the efficiency and profitability of the companies and has also generated greater transparencies in the functioning of these business organizations giving its win-win situation for all the stakeholders. On the other hand it has also augured the need for business organizations to generate greater organizational and operational aspects in order to remain afloat in the industry and maintain profitability and sustainability (AT Kearney, â€Å"Globalization†). Aerospace industry is highly capital intensive with huge amounts of capital required for establishment of the industry. The industry has largely been influenced by globalization as about 80 percent of the manufacture of an aircraft is done through outsourcing. Globalization has immensely benefited the aspect of outsourcing with free trade and lifting of trade barriers helping the organizations in a major way. The designing and manufacture of the aircrafts is essentially a highly collaborative and gl obal activity with suppliers and assemblers for any aircraft located across the globe. Companies like Boeing and Airbus can be rightly termed as assembling units in which they only assemble the original equipments and create the final design and product. Globalization has also led to large scale integration of the supply chain management activities of the players of the aerospace market. Globalization has also enabled high end parts and processes being outsourced to destinations like India and China (Wipro, â€Å"Trends in Outsourcing†). Globalization has also led to greater cross border deals that include both the civilian aircraft as well as the military aircrafts. In addition to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Career In Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Career In Marketing - Case Study Example After reviewing the great diversity of careers that are available to the individual interested in a career in marketing, I was particularly drawn to a career in public relations. Public relations and market outreach is a field that interests me because it goes beyond merely marketing a product and directly incorporates elements of social interaction and company representation. In such a way, the individual who works within such a career is ultimately responsible for seeking to challenge public opinion and represent the firm/organization in the time of difficulties and in times of success. Ultimately, it is the challenge of such a position that is attractive due to the fact that many individuals employed in public relations type marketing jobs have had the distinct ability to fundamentally alter the means by which the public views the firm and the ultimate product or service offerings they represent. Such is not the norm however but it is a possibility for the individual that works in such a field. With respect to the particular type of skills and knowledge that is required for such a job, the website that was analyzed to inform his report stated that a degree in good standing from a four-year university or college was ultimately a requirement. Although there was no experience requirement for beginning within such a career, ultimately representing the firm to the public would be something that would most certainly require much experience as well as supreme command of verbal and written skills.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer for Users Research Paper

How Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer for Users - Research Paper Example Cell phones are examples of gadgets that emit radiofrequency energy. This paper, in effect, explains how cell phones cause cancer to their users. Radiofrequency Radiation and Cell Phone Use Radiofrequency (RF) is a type of electrical energy found between 300 kilohertz (KHz) and 1 megahertz (MHz) frequency ranges. Weinberg (p. 17) observes that â€Å"†¦RF penetrates human body and is absorbed by deep body organs without feeling of any heat sensation.† Weinberg (p. 17) deduces that it this property of radiofrequency energy that makes cell phones harmful to their users. The gadgets play a major role in development of brain cancers because the antenna which absorbs and emits signals transmits the same radiation to the brain of a user. Several studies confirm a strong correlation between use of cell phones and brain cancer. (Schuz et al.1707). Causes of neck cancer and cancers of various nerves in the head have also been attributed to cell phone use. Mechanism used by microwav e ovens to heat food is analogous to how RF energy emitted by cell phones behaves. However, heat produced by RF exposure from cell phones is not sufficient enough to significantly increase body temperature. Muscat et al. (p. 3001) explains that using a cell phone while holding it on one side of the head affects brain tissues close to antennae of the phone. Radiofrequency energy emitted from the cell phone increases glycolytic process (breakdown of glucose to pyruvate with release of energy) in these tissues. Slight increase in temperature in these tissues triggers faster metabolism of glucose than in tissues opposite to antennae of the cell phone. Uneven rate of glycolysis in the brain results to imbalance energy distribution in brain tissues. Unequal distribution of energy in the brain promotes unequal cell growth in brain tissues resulting to uncontrolled and imbalanced cell division and growth of brain tissues. Brain tumors are products of uncontrolled cell growth and division of cells in the brain tissues. The tumors grow rapidly and form enlarged cell masses than surrounding cells. Surplus energy on one side of the head can, thus, cause brain tumors on one side of the brain. RF radiations produce malignant tumors. The tumors are non-encapsulated cells that grow quickly and readily metastasize into surrounding cells. Metastasis is the ability of a tumor cell to break from the tumor and freely enter the bloodstream (Larjavaara et al. 4). Tumor cells can, therefore, travel to other parts of the body and begin to rapidly divide and grow. More often, malignant tumor cells are characterized by anaplasia, a condition in which a cell loses its distinctive features. Larjavaara et al. (p. 10) concludes that cancer is a result of cell reversion. Consequently, cell phone users not only expose themselves to brain cancer, but also increase their chances of developing cancer of other body organs. According to Larjavaara et al. (p. 2), common brain cancers caused by radi ations emitted from cell phones include glioma and neuroma brain cancers. Glioma is a spinal cord or a brain tumor made up of neuroglia, a connective tissue of the nervous system. Glioma tumors arise from abnormal glial cells in the brain. Immediate symptoms of gliomas, which are not as deadly as glioma cancer, include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and cranial nerve disorders among others. Neuroma brain cancer, on the other hand, is a cancerous tumor that

Monday, September 23, 2019

Culture and the service user's experience Essay

Culture and the service user's experience - Essay Example Mrs. B is a 72-year old immigrant from India. She has recently joined her son after retiring from her work in one of India’s leading banks. Mrs. B’s son is a tenant in our neighborhood and he recently transferred to the hospital that I was placed in, taking a position in the hospital’s IT department. We have been acquainted for several months now and I have met his mother on several occasions. It is for this reason why I have chosen Mrs. B as my subject fore this study. She is comfortable with me perhaps because I have taken a strong interest in her cultural traditions. We have had several insightful conversations about matters such as food, yoga and Indian religious practices. I felt that the study is no more intrusive than these conversations and Mrs. B and her son approved of the whole undertaking. I was able to get a hold of her medical record and have thoroughly studied it before proceeding with my interview. Mrs. B is obese, deeply religious but very pleasant. About a month ago, she was admitted to the hospital due to fatigue, blurry vision, numbness and noticeable weakness in her body. Mrs. B’s son initially thought that his mother’s complaints were due to stress and difficulties in adjusting to a new cultural environment. Mrs. B believed that she is being punished for some previous sin. But the obvious discomfort led them to the hospital, wherein she was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. According to Margaret Andrews and Joyceen Boyle (2007), cultural beliefs and values influence health promotion, disease prevention, and the treatment of illness. (p. 154) This is because once an illness has social connotations the issues become more complex. It is common for cultural groups to have a body of knowledge and beliefs about health and disease. But the cultural influence on healthcare beliefs and practices has its positive and negative effects.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Food and Beverage Services Essay Example for Free

Food and Beverage Services Essay Then the service is done a laid cover on the table. Following are the type of service come under this category: English Service: Often referred to as the Host Service because the host plays an active role in the service. Food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to either portions the food into the guest plates directly or portions the food and allows the waiter to serve. For replenishment of guest food the waiter may then take the dishes around for guests to help themselves or be served by the waiter. French Services: It is a very personalized service. Food is brought from the kitchen in dishes nd salvers, which are placed directly on the table. The plates are kept near the dish and the guests help themselves. Silver Service: The table is set for hors doeuvres, soup, main courses and sweet dish in sterling silverware. The food is portioned into silver platters at the kitchen itself, which are placed at the sideboard with burners or hot plates to keep the food warm in the restaurant. Plates are placed before the guest. The waiter then picks the platter from the hot plate and presents the dish to the host for approval. He serves each guest using a service spoon and fork. All food is presented in silver dishes with laborate dressing. American/Plate Service: The American service is a pre-plated service, which means that the food is served into the guests plate in the kitchen itself and brought to the guest. The kitchen predetermines the portion and the accompaniments served with the dish balance the entire presentation in terms of nutrition and color. This type of service is commonly used in a coffee shop where service is required to be fast. Russian Service: An elaborate silver service much on the lines of French service except that the food is portioned and carved by the waiter at the gueridon trolley in he restaurant in full view of the guests. Display and presentation are a major part of this service. The principle involved is to have whole Joints, poultry, game and fish elaborately dressed and garnished, presented to guests and carved and portioned by the waiter. Gueridon Service: This is a service where a dish comes partially prepared from the kitchen to be completed in the restaurant by the waiter or, when a complete meal is cooked at the tableside in the restaurant. The cooking is done on a gueridon trolley, which is a mobile trolley with a gas cylinder and burners. The waiter plays a rominent part, as he is required to fillet, carve, flamb © and prepare the food with showmanship. The waiter has to have considerable dexterity and skill. Snack-bar Service: Tall stools are placed along a counter so that the guest may eat the food at the counter itself. In better establishments, the covers are laid out on the counter its

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Romantic Poems Of John Keats

The Romantic Poems Of John Keats John Keats was an English Romantic poet who lived during the 19th century. In his short-lived life he faced many ordeals and had to witness death and suffering that shaped him as a poet and reflects in his work. Both of his parents died when Keats was at a young age, his father passed away when the author was only 9 years old. The illness and death of his brother Tom affected him immensely; Keats spent countless hours by Toms bedside and nursed him.  [1]  The author contemplates on death in various ways in connection to nature and love, Keats longs to escape reality and dreams of living in a fantasy. The author explores the fear of death and dying in his poems to the extent of experiencing it himself.   Keats suffered from ill health, the poet supposedly contracted a venereal disease (the theory is supported by the fact that Keats was treated with mercury, that is used to cure syphilis and gonorrhoea) but it might have as well been a respiratory illness. Keats had recovered from his previous illness, but soon he caught a cold that turned into acute tonsillitis. As he suffered from an illness, Toms condition deteriorated, he died in 1818. By 1820 Keats was at the hype of his creation, but soon tragedy appeared. The author experienced the first signs of tuberculosis, the disease that had taken away his mother and brother Tom.  [2]   John Keats met with the Brawne family in 1818, John and the eldest daughter Frances Fanny, of the Brawne family (not to be mistaken for Keats younger sister Frances Keats) developed a love affair and were engaged, but could not marry as to the lack of income on Keatss behalf.  [3]  The poetic and vivid letters by Keats to Fanny provide the reader with an insight into the love story. The lovers were separated when Keats travelled to Italy, Rome to improve his health. But it was too late. John Keats uttered his final words: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Dont breathe on me. It comes like ice remaining poetical till his final breath, Keats died on 23 February 1821 at the age of 25. He died believing himself to be a failure.  [4]   To analyze the relevance of the aspect of death in Keats poetry I have chosen poems and a letter from John Keats. In this essay I will research the imagery of death and how it reflects in John Keatss poetry. The reason for choosing to analyze the poetry of Keats was the previous interest in English literature and the different viewpoint on death that Keats poses in his works, the interest in death and dying captivated me to research and analyze the meaning behind the poems. In Keatss poetry, since he uses imagery and literary devices constantly, there are a lot of aspects to look into and analyze that is why I chose a certain aspect to narrow the topic to make the essay more manageable and to analyze the aspect of death in more depth. My thoughts Death nature Nature captivated Keats as he incorporated it into majority of his works, by connecting nature and the circle of life the author created some of his most famous poems in connection to death. In his poem To Autumn which he wrote in 1819 when he still possessed some strength in him to create one of his most famous piece. My thoughts Personal grief and his reflected in the imagery. Amongst this gloominess he had a love for life, represented by the imaginative style and beauty in his most romantic pieces.  [5]  The poem is full of descriptions that appeal to senses like sight, taste and hearing. One can smell the fume of poppies and hear the bees, until they think warm days will never cease. My thoughts Keats describes autumn as a season of mist and mellow fruitfulness after being inspired by a walk near Winchester.  [6]  It seems as if the season will not come to an end, but in the last stanza the previous joy and colourful description ends. The reader can distinguish the negative connotations that describe the soft-dying day and the end of autumn.  [7]  Keats captures the beauty of dying using vocabulary that indicates the delicate and romantic ideal that Keats thought death to have been, my thoughts as the sun sheds a bloom of rosy hue.  [8]  In this poem Keats combines and contrasts death and life and is able to see the pleasure in something unlikeable, since they both are inevitable and merge into one in life. My thoughts By accepting death Keats turns it into a positive and normal part of life, the poem does not remain overly negative, my thoughts since in the last stanza in the line Think not of them, thou hast thy music too the author welcomes the end of autumn a s he sees something beautiful in the end as well and acknowledges that life and death are in harmony.  [9]   His poem Bright Star that was allegedly written to Frances Fanny Brawne  [10]  , has a frostiness to it, the words à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾star, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾night, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾snow create a feeling of wintriness, that empowers the poem. Still it remains positive since Keats has no repugnance towards death, especially when he is with his loved one. My thoughts The aspect of death is emphasised when Keats brings in a personification in the line à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾the moving waters at their priestlike task, creating an ominous atmosphere. My thoughts The Keats, in his works, has always accepted death sine qua non. kas ladina keelseid v2ljendeid peab ka referensima Death love In his letter to Fanny he says: I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your Loveliness and the hour of my death. O that I could have possession of them both in the same minute. The letter Fannys loveliness and his death were the thoughts in his mind. He believed that he could reach fulfillment by dying and having her at the same moment. Keats completed the letter, Yours ever, fair Star. That might be the indication that the poem Bright Star was written to Fanny Brawne.  [11]  Keats wrote Bright Star in 1819 and revised it in 1820.  [12]   In a lot of Keats poems there has been speculations over sexual overtones, for example in Bright Star the author uses the expression to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾swoon to death- an orgasm is often compared to dying (the French term for orgasm is le petit morte- the small death). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Because of its position as the last word in the poem death carries a great deal of weight in the final effect and meaning of the poem.  [13]  It can be considered as a culmination and an abeyance after that. In the Ode to Autumn Keats erects a momentum with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾to set budding more, and still more that peaks with warm days will never cease and releases itself (with definite sexual undertones) with For Summer has oer-brimmed their clammy cells.  [14]  From the previous examples it can be recognised that John Keats uses love and romantic feelings to form his poems, his usage of literary devices and vocabulary often creates a visual delight for the reader, as the descriptions are vivid and vibrant with life even when describing death. my thoughts Keats has intertwined love and death that formed the essence of him and his creations. He was interested in both of them and even death captivated Keats as much as love. My thoughts In Bright Star Keats expresses his wish to be Pillowed upon my fair loves ripening breast,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ And so live ever -or else swoon to death cite the poem He dreamed of eternity as he was fully content being in one certain moment but as he knew that it would pass, Keats preferred to die rather than leave that particular situation. In Ode to a Nightingale the author admits that for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death and finds that To cease upon the midnight with no pain à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In such an ecstasy! it Now more than ever seems it rich to die. Poem quotes These examples show Keats fanaticism towards death. His lover is a fair creature of an hour, poem my thought in his poem When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be, and cannot be for ever poem he thinks of death as the best o r even an enjoyable option for him.  [15]   Death reality vs. fantasy In his theory of Negative Capability Keats says: . . several things dovetailed in my mind, at once it struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature which Shakespeare possessed so enormouslyI mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact reasonColeridge, for instance, would let go by a fine isolated verisimilitude caught from the Penetralium of mystery, from being incapable of remaining content with half knowledge. This pursued through Volumes would perhaps take us no further than this, that with a great poet the sense of Beauty overcomes every other consideration, or rather obliterates all consideration. December 21, 27 (?), 1817  [16]   The willingness to remain in doubt is seen in his poetry in Ode to a Nightingale the lines Was it a vision or dream? Fled is that music: Do I wake or sleep?  [17]  form a rhetorical question and confirm that he is capable of being in uncertainties and does not need facts or reason in order to understand or enjoy the situation. My thoughts. Since Keats experienced tragedy in his life, he felt as if poetry was a way to escape  [18]  and go Away! Away! for I will fly to thee, But on the viewless wings of Poesy poem so it appears as if to Keats the migration of birds a positive and beautiful detail connected to the end of Autumn and the idea of escape and fleeing reality. My thoughts The differentiation between reality and fantasy is evident in Bright Star as Keats is willing to be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Awake for ever in a sweet unrest. The poet accepts that he could die from pleasure, and contrasts the dream and reality that he flees from once again. Keats attributes the qualities of love with something mystical comparing it to faery power as something magical and beautiful but still remaining a fantasy or an illusion. Keats was used to death and as he had experienced so much of it became normality for him, therefore it was difficult for him to believe that he could be happy or feel pleasures of life without them passing by. The expression to pass by appears in many of Keatss poems. my thoughts In Ode of Indolence Keats is certain that Neither poetry, nor Love have any alertness of countenance as the pass by me. Keats by Andrew Motion, page 359, University of Chicago Press, 1999 This leaves the reader an impression as if Keats was only standing by as life passed him, since he could not see anything positive in them at times and it seemed to him as if there was no expressions in poetry or love and therefore Keats could not at times relate to it and only thought of them as a fantasy. My thoughts Death creation and the fear of death It was evident that Keats could not continue with writing much longer due to financial problems and about a year after publishing the poem Ode to Autumn he died. During that time Keats was struggling with his own personal problems. His brother George was in need of money to emigrate to America and he himself could no more afford the lifestyle of a poet.  [19]  Therefore the poem can be interpreted as a final farewell to his creation. Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? he asks, the singing of the birds that are preparing to depart create a melancholy mood that emphasizes the authors reflection of his feelings.  [20]  He might have felt like- since he was ill and had no money to support himself, not to mention the unattainable marriage to Fanny- death was approaching. The fear of dying is reflected in his poems as well, as before the reader could see that Keats was fascinated with death and even considered it to be something positive, he still was afraid of death and dying. In When I Have Fears he admits that I have fears that I may cease to be, Before my pen has gleand my teeming brain, my thoughts not fully achieving his ambitions as a writer  [21]  and that he might die before he could write all he had ever wanted daunted him, as it is common for poets to be afraid of failure. In order to overcome his fears he stands alone, thinks of the relevance of love and fame and the insignificance of a single human being by contrasting himself to the wide world. It gives an effect of loneliness and insinuates to the theme of the poem that is death and fear of dying. In the final two lines Of the wide world I stand alone, and think, Till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink. My thoughts Keats connects the desire for love and fame, that he has to accept are unimportant and to nothingness do sink, to the ceasing of fear and yearning.  [22]   Keats was inspired by Shakespeare and parallels to the existential monologue by Hamlet can be drawn in the poem On Death. Keats contrasts death and life, comparing them to sleep and to a dream. Keats asks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾can death be sleep when life is but a dreamand in Hamlet Shakespeare has posed a question rather similar to of Keats For in that sleep of death what dreams may come. Both authors think of death as something unknown but yet intriguing and possibly something positive and better as the life on earth. He ridicules people and himself who are religious and crave for afterlife and live in the pursuit of it but when it comes down to dying and reaching their dream, they fear death that leads to it since à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾we think the greatest pains to die. Keats contemplates how à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾strange it is that people have to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾lead a life of woe and despair, that a man is made to suffer on earth and only in the afterlife gain bliss and happiness. The last two lines in On Death are addressed on the subject of being able or daring to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾view alone his future doom that is in fact face death. There is a change in the last line of the poem, where Keats compares death to an à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾awakening saying his future doom which is but to awake. The fear of death takes over once again, using negative vocabulary, the words à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾doom, woe, rugged, alone, pain, roam, indicate a dark atmosphere and make the death seem like a final suffering before the awakening. Keats contrasts sleep and being awake by indicating that waking up is something negative as he uses the word doom and as if coming out of the fantasy is like dying. My thoughts The pleasures of life Keats longed to possess were transient and only a visi on as he expresses his thoughts in On Death. But as the author was able to make peace with death it is not the greatest pain, therefore, to die Keats thought of it abnormal for a person to live a life in the veil of tears and walk along the path of woe, even when have seen so much death Keats remained in love with life. His passion towards life and love were overwhelming and reflect in his works and letters. The love affair with Fanny was the evidence of how much passion and love and devotion Keats possessed. Conclusion John Keats was greatly affected by death and since he had to lose many of his loved ones at a young age that made him even more vulnerable and opened to creations. In connection to nature, love and creation, Keats captivates the reader to contemplate on death as he often did. The often extreme examples of the fantasy of dying and living in a dream show how much his short life was full of grief and how Keats was fascinated by death and dying. The author uses vocabulary that helps to create a certain atmosphere or portray an image of what feelings the author wanted to convey to the reader. Keats often fell into extremes by expressing his thoughts on death, his ultimate dream to die and be with his loved one simultaneously and the concept of Negative Capability are examples of his struggle to balance between reality and fantasy. The longing to escape the harsh reality and face the real world seemed like doom for him. His existential thoughts are represented in his works as he accepts de ath as a normal part of life. Keats still remains captivated by dying and death since it is something unknown. His works represent his life and the way he felt and decided to live his short life. My thoughts and previous ideas from sources He had lived, he had loved and he had seen death, but as Keats had wished Here lies one whose name was writ in water to be written on his tombstone.  [23]  It can be considered true that A poet is not at all poetical. He is the most un-poetical thing in existence. He has no identity.  [24]  

Friday, September 20, 2019

Understanding And Coping With Client Resistance Social Work Essay

Understanding And Coping With Client Resistance Social Work Essay Professional social workers frequently encounter a thorny situation called client resistance. As resistance is inevitable in the intervention process and will very likely affect the intervention outcomes, study of client resistance is important to social workers and learning how to manage it will be pivotal to achieve expected goals and objectives. This paper will firstly narrate the writer s personal experience so as to put the issue of client resistance on the agenda and give a brief description of involuntary clients or client resistance, then present the writer s understanding of them in terms of their several distinctive features, and finally propose tentative strategies of coping with client resistance. Keywords: resistance; involuntary clients; intervention skills Introduction As potential social workers, we probably will be brought into contact with more and more involuntary clients in the future, like mentally illness patients, deviant behavior adolescents, violent parents, battered children, etc.. Some of them are legally mandated to engage with service providers (Rooney,1992), while others are experiencing social or non-legal pressures, for example, being coerced by family members to seek assistance for a particular behavior (Rooney,1992). These kinds of clients constitute a high proportion of whole clients and display more resistant behaviors than those voluntary ones. Often, they do not seek help willingly and may demonstrate resistant behaviors such as negative evasions, pretended obedience or undisguised hostilities, threats and attacks from the very beginning of the worker s intervention. Therefore, how to interact with and intervene in this type of clients has become a tremendous challenge in the field of social work practice and it is important for social workers to get a deeper understanding of involuntary clients. Case Example X once was a primary school teacher with a fine income, and her husband Y has been running a factory which creates a great deal of wealth to the whole family. Everything seemed perfect that the couple were devoted to each other and have a daughter C who was in her second year in a satisfactory university. Unfortunately, X was extensively burnt in an explosion accident three years ago. Since then, she lost self-confidence because of her disfigured face and refused to go out for the fears of being laughed at. The daughter Z tried to took her out for an airing and ease her anxieties and inferiority about the disfigurement but failed. Since a lot of people pointed at her on the street, X felt painful and tended to isolate herself. To make things worse, not too long after her accident, her husband Y began to make relationship with another woman and was spending a large sum of time and money on that woman. He went to his factory early and back home late every day and seldom had meals at home which was entirely different from what it was before. In addition to Y s indifference, Z was studying at a university so far from home that she was unable to accompany her mother all the time. Consequently, X always staied alone at home with the feeling of helpless and hopeless. Although sometimes Y would come back home and cook meals for A, he had nothing to talk with X. Actually, the daughter Z here is me. I was extremely anguished, seeing my originally harmonious family rapidly disappeared. I tried to cope with such a depressing family atmosphere, but found it difficult. However, when I look back and combine the past experiences with what I have learnt in MSW, I have been realized that there were such a lot of unwise actions had been taken to resolve my family problems. Examples are showed as follows: In that period of time, I tended to communicate with my mother more than with my father and owe this difference to gender similarity and the tragic suffering of my mother. I spent much time on comforting her just because she was the only victim as in my own perception. I constantly teaching my mother how to calm herself down and change her mindsets, so as to survive in a miserable feeling. Unexpectedly, when I suggested her talking more with my father, she just sneered, saying he is so obstinate that nothing will change his mind . It could be inferred that she was still pessimistic and lacked motivation to make changes in spite of my consistent encouragement. On the other hand, the stereotypes that men are always mentally stronger than women made me totally forgot that my father was suffering pains and he needed care as well. Hardly had I decided to concern for and communicate with my father when I learnt that I should take him into consideration early. The most challenging thing was that he had been greatly reluctant to talk about either his former or current relationship with my mother especially the information about his extramarital love. He even did not admit any fault he had made. I have to acknowledge that I was livid when I found out that my father had been two-timing his wife and was highly emotional and illiberally prejudiced against as a result. Only now did I understand the reasons why I failed to assist my parents in settling their contradiction. My deficient consideration of my father s personality and the dignity as a man almost turned an equal dialogue into a thoughtless bickering. In fact, my father was defiant in the who le session because he was afraid that his authoritative status in the family would be ruined, however, I did not realize that kind of unwillingness at that time. No doubt, neither my mother nor my father is my client in the sense of professional, but if they are viewed as clients, it will be a classic case of client resistance. Definition of Client Resistance When doing the literature review, I found that the term involuntary is sometimes used interchangeably with resistant, however, the former refers to the status of the client , while the latter refers to behaviors or characteristics that hinder the therapeutic process (Chui Ho, 2006). Usually, involuntary clients show some resistant thoughts and behaviors. Freud (1914/1957) originally conceptualized resistance as the client s effort to repress anxiety-provoking memories and insights in the unconscious during psychoanalytic free association (Freud, 1914/1957). According to the perspective of social interaction theory, resistance is psychological forces aroused in the client that restrain acceptance of influence (acceptance of the counselors suggestion) and are generated by the way the suggestion is stated and by the characteristics of the counselor stating it (Strong Matross, 1973). Simply stated, resistance has been defined as a process of avoiding or diminishing the self-disclosing communication requested by the interviewer because of its capacity to make the interviewee uncomfortable or anxious (Pope, 1979). Client resistance should not be regarded as something that happens within the client, as a response to his or her inner workings, and must be overcome by the counselor (Cowan Presbury, 2000). Rather, resistance should be understood as a phenomenon that emerges between client and therapist in the unfolding interaction between their differently organized subjective worlds (Cowan Presbury, 2000). In a word, resistance is treated as results from the communication pattern of the counselor and the client. In other words, resistance emerges when the intervention strategies are not gear to clients willingness to accept the style in which the intervention is conducted. Typical Involuntary Clients This part is a personal understanding towards client resistance. Based on an examination of the case example and the literature review, I summarized three types of involuntary clients. 1. Clients Who Have Inadequate Strength or Ability Some clients do not have the ability to take care of themselves or seek help from others, such as the disabled, the battered children and the abandoned elderly. These clients are normally forced by others to consult an agency and a social worker. 2. Clients Who Have Insufficient Motivation The clients who fall into the difficult position for a long time may feel mentally exhausted and have no extra will to seek help. Take some battered women as an example, they tend to have a despairing view of the marriage because of the learned helplessness and may find it meaningless to join in the intervention tasks. Similar to those who have inadequate strength or ability, the majority of the insufficiently motivated clients are not willingly attended the intervention tasks. 3. Clients Who Lack Introspection Although some people know that they are mired in difficulties because of their misbehaviors, they have insufficient self-contemplation, and self-examination when faced with the problems they have, which, as a result, make the problems relapse again and again. This is also the reason why most drug or alcoholic abusers find it difficult to completely overcome their additions. Skills of Coping with Client Resistance For involuntary clients, it is a common phenomenon that they will be reluctant towards self-exposure and conservative to their own experience because they worry about that not doing so would threaten their self-concept. It is necessary for a social worker to learn how to alleviate clients excessive anxiety. Social workers are expected to adjust their intervention methods and the styles to the need of clients. Since most involuntary clients pay much attention to self-protection, the workers should not only avoid requesting or anticipating their self-betrayal, but also refrain from any actions that attempting to tear down clients mask. 1. To Find Out the Third Party In general, social workers are required to listen carefully to clients, thus provide clients more opportunities to express their feelings and perceptions and make them feel respected and admitted. However, things are different when confronting involuntary clients. Since it is an issue of power and control that the pouring-out people are usually vulnerable whereas the listening people always have the power to make evaluation and assessment, the involuntary clients tend to crave a sense of empower through the process of resistance and rebuttal. In involuntary cases, the third party is needed in the course of the entire conversation. If I intake a client like my mother, I should not unilaterally focus on counseling the client changing herself, but on concerning several means to bring the third party into the intervention so that establishing a social work C client C the third party triangular communication system. In short, the third party is ones who push clients to seek help or forced them to ask for counseling. 2. To Make the Intervention Process Clear Apart from understanding about the force that push clients into the intervention, the workers should also enquire about whether the clients have any other confusions. It aims at discovering the problems which clients want to improve. The worker as a listener should do something to give clients a feeling that they are under a clearly planned effective assistance. In addition, it is very important to make sure that clients know what will the worker do and will not do. For example, summarizing or reflecting clients current situation or their main resentment can possibly promote their expectation to the counseling and enhance social workers reliability as well. 3. To Alleviate Clients Anxieties about Changes Resistant clients may or may not recognize that they have a problem, and/or may not want to engage in a process of change (Rooney, 1992) so that they will take resistance as an means to protect themselves from the unknown (Yalom Molyn, 2005). They might be resistant towards the therapeutic process because it involves changing their current maladaptive behavior (Chui Ho, 2006). An available method to ease clients anxiety about change is to make them feel more sense of control. The less the clients can control the process and results of intervention, the more they will view social workers as the representatives of those who force them to participate in the intervention. Consequently, the degree of resistance may increase dramatically. Such situation requires social workers to discuss with clients about the reasons why they are recommended to have the counseling. If a client is compelled to accept counseling, the social worker may point it out to the client that he could reject the counseling and bear the consequences of such rejection, thus restore their sense of control. Furthermore, as cultivating new behaviors is much easier than changing old ones, it might be more reasonable and effective that social works try to train the clients to foster some new patterns of communication and behavioral habits, rather than amend their previous habits, thus establish a harmonious relationship with clients. Some more complex intervention, such as teaching clients relaxation skills, or assisting them in analyzing the irrational thoughts, may have immediate utilities to the involuntary clients. Discussion The relationship between the social worker and the client is always living no matter what happened in the process of intervention. One of the major responsibilities for social workers is paying enough attention to the quality and the health of rapport-building process. To some extent, clients changes or improvements come from an appropriate and valid interaction within a harmonious relationship. As potential social workers, in addition to understanding of various theories or therapies which provide different approaches to resolve client resistance, we should also learn to determine how best to address that relational dynamic in counseling (Joshua, 2008).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Scope of practice is defined as the broad framework of procedures, actions and processes that are permitted under a specific licence of an allied health professional. This medical terminology is used by both the national and state licensing commissions for various professions, including nursing, midwifery and paramedicine. The scope of practice restricts and limits the allied health professional, under an act of law, to have undertaken specific education, followed regulation guidelines and registered under licensing bodies in order to practice in their individual health profession. Additionally, every individual health profession (nursing, paramedicine, midwifery, doctor, surgeon, etc.) has specific requirements and levels which define the scope of practice for each individual. The definition of each individuals scope of practice is important, as it ensures the safety of both patient and professional. The scope of practice ensures the individual does not participate in practices that they may be deemed unsafe and ensures the individual does not partake in unskilled practices. ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Graduation Speech: Building County High School :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

When I first began school in this district at County Junior High in seventh grade, I had no idea that I, along with my classmates, would have the privilege of building the New High School. Of course I don't mean the physical, brick-by-brick building; I mean the building of High School's spirit, the tradition of pride and achievement that permeates every brick, every part of our school. I had no idea what impact we would have in both the academic and athletic realms. Our group activities have fought for and won honors that can be envied by every other school. Whose football team broke another school's six year winning streak? Whose debate team is now known nationally as one of the best affiliate teams in the country? Whose band marched for President Clinton's inauguration? Yes, it was County High School's teams that accomplished these and other noteworthy feats. But I believe it was we, the first class to spend four years at County, who played a large part in these accomplishments. We came here as eager freshmen, bringing our energy and ideas to this school. I remember all the - glitches and gremlins that plagued us, how History class was as hot as Death Valley and English class colder than Siberia. But we survived. Sophomore year saw the graduation of County High School's first class. And last year, we said goodbye to the class of '11. Many of us had role models amongst them, yet more of us had friends. But as last year drew to a close, we realized that this year would be our year. It was our turn to lead Neda, it was our turn to shine. And shine we did, with a brilliance enriched by our four years of experience in this school. I cannot attempt to list the awards and honors earned by our class, but I can try to express the immense pride I feel when I realize that I belong to County High's class of 2012.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Economic and Political Systems of Cuba Essay

The Economic System in Cuba is known to be communism. Communism can be defined as a scheme of equalizing the social conditions of life. This system considers the termination of inequalities in the possession of property as well as the distribution of wealth equally to all individuals. Therefore, the means to achieve this is by the collectivization of all private property. By extension, collectivization is the process of forming collective communities where property and resources are owned by the community and not individuals. Freedom of expression is also mediated by the state. Communism is a system that usually is unsuccessful however, the only way that communism may be achieved is if every single member of a communist society is in complete agreement with the arrangement which was mentioned above. In early Cuban Political history, there were various communist as well as anarchist organizations for example the Communist Party of Cuba which was initiated in the early 1920’s by Julio Antonio Mella, Carlos Balino, Jose Marti and Fabio Grobart. It was then later led by both the first secretary and secondary secretary: – Fidel Castro and Raul Castro respectively. In Cuba, no other political party other than that of the Communist Party of Cuba is allowed to be formed in the fear that a non – communist party which will be funded by the United States of America would intervene and claim Cuba’s independence. In comparison to other ruling communist parties around the world, the communist party in Cuba retains a stricter approach and adherence to the tradition of Marxism – Leninism and the traditional Soviet Model. In addition, the Cuban Political System is described as authentic which is based on the unique history of the struggle for equality amongst individuals as well as independence. Cuba is a republic with a centralized socialist system with a structure of the State of Republic of Cuba as follows: –* National Assembly of People’s Power * Council of State * Council of Ministers * Provincial and Municipal Governments * Judiciary System

Monday, September 16, 2019

Allegory of Young Goodman Brown Essay

The story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† by Nathaniel Hawthorne has a lot of allegories. It is a moral story that is told through the corruption of a religious person. Goodman Brown is a Puritan minister who lets his pride and belief in himself interfere with his relations with the community after he meets with the devil, which causes him to live the life of not knowing who to trust or believe in his own community. In the beginning when Faith, Brown’s wife, asks him not to go. Brown says to her â€Å"My love and my Faith †¦ this one night I must tarry away from thee†. DiYanni 273) When he says his â€Å"love† and his â€Å"Faith†, he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his â€Å"faith† to God. He is headed into the woods to meet with the Devil, and by doing so he leaves his faith in God with his wife. His pride made him feel that he can sin and meet with the Devil because of this promise that he made to himself. This promise is not without irony because when Goodman Brown came back he no longer looks at his wife with the same faith he had before. When Brown left and met with the Devil, he declares that the reason he was late was because â€Å"Faith kept me back awhile. ( DiYanni 273) From talking to the devil Brown says that he comes from a â€Å"race of honest men and good Christians† ( DiYanni 274) . The Devil then pointed out his father and grandfather when they were flogging a woman or burning an Indian village. These words were ironic because of the bad things that they had done and it shows that he does not come from â€Å"good Christians. † ( DiYanni 274) The devil continued trying to convince Brown, but he did not give in because of his wife, â€Å"Faith†. And because of her, he couldn’t continue. The Devil agrees with him and tells him to turn back to prevent that â€Å"Faith should come to any harm† like the old woman in front of them on the path. ( DiYanni 274) The turning point of the story starts when Brown’s is confuse about his faith because the woman on the path is the woman who â€Å"taught him his catechism in youth, and was still his moral and spiritual adviser. † ( DiYanni 275) The Devil and the woman had spoken to each other, Brown continues to walk on with the Devil in the disbelief of what he had just witnessed. Brown again decides that he will no longer continue and says that just because his teacher was not going to heaven, why should he â€Å"quit my dear Faith, and go after her†. ( DiYanni 275) The Devil tosses Brown his staff and leaves him. Brown begins to think to himself about his situation and his pride in himself begins to build. Brown is feeling good about his strength in resisting the Devil, he see a carriage coming, and he hears the voices of the minister and Deacon Gookin. He overhears their conversation and hears them discuss about a â€Å"goodly young woman to be taken in to communion†! ( DiYanni 276) that evening at that night’s meeting and fears that it may be his Faith. When he heard this he became weak and fell to the ground. He â€Å"begins to doubt whether there really was a Heaven above him† and this is a key point when his faith begins to corrupt him. Once he begins to doubt whether this is really what he had heard or not, the sound comes t o him again and this time it is followed by â€Å"one voice, of a young woman†. ( DiYanni 277) He believed it was Faith and he yells out her name in the forest. A pink ribbon flies through the air and he grabs it. At this moment, he has lost all faith in the world â€Å"My Faith is gone† and was convince that there were â€Å"no good on earth. † ( DiYanni 277) Brown was manipulated simply by his belief. Not only was his wife gone but also his faith, because to him his wife was the only one who was innocent, but also now she was taken open by the evil in the town. At this point Brown had lost his faith in God, therefore there was nothing holding his instincts from moving towards evil. Brown then goes mad and challenges evil. He feels that he will be the downfall of evil and that he is strong enough to overcome it all. He believes that he is better than everyone else in that he alone can destroy evil. He says this remark because he is upset about the lost or his wife to evil. Throughout the story, Brown does not show any emotions like a normal person would have had. The author shows that Brown has â€Å"no compassion for the weaknesses he sees in others, no remorse for his own sin, and no sorrow for his loss of faith. (Easterly 339) This is an example of how Goodman Brown chose to follow his head rather than his heart. The â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† ends with Brown returning to Salem at early dawn and looking around like a â€Å"bewildered man. † He cannot believe that he is in the same place that he just the night before. Salem was no longer home to him. He felt like an outsider in a world of Devil worshippers and because his â€Å"basic means of order, his religious system, is absent, the society he was familiar with becomes nightmarish. (Shear 545) He comes back to the town â€Å"projecting his guilt onto those around him. † Brown shows his anger towards the community when he sees Faith who is overwhelmed with excitement to see him and he looks â€Å"sternly and sadly into her face, and passed on without a greeting. † ( DiYanni 280) Brown cannot even stand to look at his wife with whom he was at the convert service with. Goodman Brown was devastated by the discovery that the potential for evil resides in everybody. The rest of his life is destroyed because of he has to face the truth and live with it. The story, which may have been a dream, and not a real life event, created a lot of doubt in Brown’s mind that cut him off from his fellow man and leaves him alone and depressed. So no matter if it was a dream or not it had a huge impact on him. His life ends alone and miserable because he was never able to look at himself and realize that what he believed were everyone else’s faults were his as well. His excessive pride in himself led to his isolation from the community. Brown was buried with â€Å"no hopeful verse upon his tombstone; for his dying hour was gloom. â€Å"

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Identify and Respond to Children and Young People at Risk of Harm

List the observations that together indicate possible ‘risk of significant harm’ Risk of harm is the indication that the child may suffer physical, emotional, and psychological harm because of neglect by the parent or guardian responsible for his care. In Jamelle’s case, indication includes physical signs like;†¢Various large bruises †¢Smelling strong urine stale †¢Dirty and unwashed skin †¢Lack of fresh changing clothes †¢Vomiting †¢Bloodshot eyes †¢Psychological l problems such as timidness2.Response to the situation in preparation of drawing a report The response will include investigating the factor that can lead to risk of harm to the child, including social isolation of the child with other children, and family on inadequate access to other family members. The risk may be caused by inadequate parenting skills, poor models of parenting or neglect. As a caregiver, i will observe and record observations that indicate a risk of harm and note all the behavioural changes. Finally, i will respond to the physical needs of the child such as medical care, giving her adequate sleep time, bathing, and changing his diapers.3.The actions or work practices to be takenJamelle needs a close attention, which her mother has failed to give her. As a caregiver, it will be my duty to ensure the child receives a reciprocal treatment. I will offer the child emotional support enable her unite and play with her mates. I will take responsibility of ensuring that the child is cleaned and in proper dressing. In case her mother raises further issues, I will report to the director. The mother on the other hand, need advice and support in helping the child.4.Ethical responsibilities in the situation in relation to families and children As a worker, one should make the right decision concerning the health of the child and right the actions to be a practice which ensures a child protection. The family has the right to know about the c urrent condition of the child, anticipated risks and possible solutions to the case. As a caregiver, you should make the decision of the  treatment for the child; maintain adequate confidentiality and be consistent in your duties performance. You should not ignore the risk of harm indicator and exercise bias or favouritism motives. Your decisions should be guided by crucial standards, legislations, and professional ethics code.Case 21.List the observations that together indicate possible ‘risk of significant harm’ †¢Aggression and fighting with peers †¢Loneliness †¢Aggression towards staff members †¢Disrespect to fathers †¢Wearing heavy attire on warmer days †¢Red welts †¢Burn scars on the stomach and at back area2.Response to the situation in preparation of drawing a report Tajs aggressiveness, social isolation, changes in dressing and injuries shows that he perceives psychological complications. His actions are just but coping mech anism to stress. It is evident that he was exposed to a lot of abuse during the holiday that has altered her psychological reactions. Helping the Taj will require providing him with stress management support. As my duty, I will draw her close, get the source of his problem and offer counselling lessons. The actions or work practices to be takenAs a caregiver I will ensure that there are valid grounds and current concern that Taj is at risk. I will intervene by discussing the concerns with the supervisor especially from the evidence of injuries. I will try to get Taj close, in case he might be ready to share his predicament. The child response will be useful in underpinning the basis of this strange behaviour. It may be because of family problems, sexual abuse, other family challenges or just the culture.I will then report the information gathered to my director for further action Ethical responsibilities in the situation in relation to families and children The first move will to de termine the cause of the child assault. I will try to dig the information from the child by assuring him privacy and protection from further assault.I will discuss the problem with my supervisor to weigh whether summoning the child parents is necessary. As a caregiver, you should make the decision of treatment of thechild; maintain adequate confidentiality, be consistent in your duties performance. You should not ignore the risk of harm indicator and exercise bias or favouritism motives. Your decisions should be guided by crucial standards, legislations, and professional ethics code.Case study 2Where would you find information on how your service responds to Child Protection issues? On the Child Protection Act, UN convention of Human Rights, Government legislation act, and professional code of ethicsList the legislative acts that govern Child Protection Services in your state/territory. Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (as amended 2011) Working with Children Act Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 Family Law Act 1975 Access the Community Services website (formerly DOCS) Steps in making a report;1.Indicate the child details such as full name, age, residence address, and phone number.2.Indicate the any aliases details including full name, approximate age, residence address and contact number of the cares or parent.3.Description of the child state4.Indication the possible communication needs such as people of aboriginal agency or those with hearing impairment 5.Indicate the details of the reporter.i.Time, date, name, and signature of staff making the report Time – 7.30 AM Date – 11/01/2013 Name – Mary Marshall Staff signature – ii.Full name, date of birth (or approximate age), address and phone number of the child/children you are concerned about Full name- Joseph Timothy Drake Date of birth – 31/10/04 Address – 13 Short St, Parker Ph one – (09) 7476 9435 iii.Full name (such as any known aliases), estimate age, address and phone details of the parents or caregivers Full name –Lis Age – 52 address – 13 Short St, Parker Phone – (09) 7476 9435iv.a description of the child (may be created) and their current whereabouts Joseph is a five-year-old child. The child caters for her mother who undergoes spouse abuse. He currently attends care center but with a unique behaviour. v.Clear and concise description of the injury/observed harm A large purplee bruise on the child right backside vi.clear and concise observation of the child’s conversation and behaviour (if applicable Joseph does not share information with anyone. Joseph is shy and avoids eye contactIn a recent scenario he sat facing wall for an hour He is physically ready to attack both his fellow mates and staff He prefers to stay alone at a class corner He wets himself vii.clear and concise records of mothers conversation and behavior The mother is open and frank to both his son and staff members Her mother admits being beaten in Joseph’s presence by the spouse. Joseph gets anger by her mother being molestedThe spouse at times threatens Joseph The mother stressed by the situation and is worried about his son.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Financial Intermediary Essay

A financial intermediary is an organization that raises money from investors and provides financing for individuals, companies and other organizations. A financial intermediary is typically an institution that facilitates the channeling of funds between lenders and borrowers indirectly. That is, savers (lenders) give funds to an intermediary institution (such as banks), and then that institution in turn gives those funds to spenders (borrowers). This may be in the form of loans or mortgages. For corporations, intermediaries are important sources of financing. Intermediaries are a stop on the road between savings and real investments. The financial intermediaries in turn raise funds, often in small amounts, from individual households. Two important classes of financial intermediaries include mutual funds and pension funds along with Credit unions and Brokerage houses. Financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies are not only financial intermediaries but they also provide other financial services such as loaning out money to individuals and businesses. KEY FUNCTIONS OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES The basic function of financial intermediaries is to provide financial assistance to organizations and individuals. So, financial intermediaries help pool resources from households mostly, and then use these resources issuing them as loans to organizations or invest it in equities. They also contribute in many other ways to our individual well-being and the smooth functioning of the economy. Thus, another important function that emanates from the basic function of issuing cash to businesses is the efficient utilization of one’s savings. This helps increase the overall economic stability and improves the overall efficiency of the economy. Another important function provided by financial intermediaries is the absorption of risk. These intermediaries issue loans and invest money at their own risk, and are legally liable to pay them back to the initial investors incase of loss. Similarly, incase of mutual funds, risk is reduced by efficient and professional portfolio management which results in a high degree of diversification. The portfolio type varies with respect to how risk-averse or contrary the investor may be. Financial Intermediaries also act as a market for Firm’s Assets. Financial intermediaries appear to have a key role in the restructuring and liquidation of firms in distress. In particular, there is rich evidence that financial intermediaries play an active role in the reallocation of displaced capital, meant both as the piece-meal reallocation of assets (such as the redeployment of individual plants) and, more broadly, as the sale of entire bankrupt corporations to healthy ones. A key part of reorganization under main bank supervision or management is the implementation of a plan of asset sales with proceeds typically used to recover bank loans. Financial intermediaries arise as internal, centralized markets where information on machines and buyers is readily available, allowing displaced capital to migrate towards its most productive uses. Financial intermediaries can perform this role by aggregating the information on firms collected in the credit market. The function of intermediaries as matchmakers between savers and firms in the credit market can support their function as internal markets for assets. Intuitively, by increasing the number of highly productive matches in the credit market, intermediaries increase the share of highly productive second hand users in the decentralized resale market. This improvement in the quality of the decentralized secondary market reduces the incentive of firms to address financial intermediaries for their ability as re-deployers. However, by increasing the number of highly productive matches in the credit market, intermediaries create also wealthy buyers without assets and contribute to decrease the thickness of the decentralized resale market. This makes the decentralized market less appealing and increases the incentive of firms to use intermediaries as resale markets. CONCLUSION All in all, financial intermediaries play a very important role in optimizing the performance of firms in the corporate sector and to help individuals and households to manage their savings better and to ensure them minimum and least amount of risk in doing so. REFERENCE Brealey, Richard A. , Myers, Stewart C. & Marcus, Alan J. (2001). Corporate Finance. McGraw-Hill.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Effective Leadership Within An Organisational Context Essay

Effective Leadership Within An Organisational Context - Essay Example So, what is effective leadership? Before defining effective leadership, it is important to define leadership. According to Northouse (2010, p 9), leadership is defined as a process through which a person mobilize resources both material and human and influences group of people to achieve set of common goals. Effective leadership has diverse definitions that depend mostly on the context on which leadership is defined and point of view of the person defining it. Leadership effectiveness definition is highly multifaceted and complex. The following are the famous definitions of effective leadership. One, Nahavandi (2006, p 12) defines effective leadership as a process through which leadership achieves the organizations’ goals and objectives; leadership is based on the performance of the group. Two, Marturano and GOSLKING (2008, p 9) define effective leadership as the ability of leadership to help people in an organization to have more collaboration, innovation and communication. Three, effective leadership is the ability to enable other people within organization enhance their personal capabilities in order to fulfil their own ambitions and potentials and that of the group or organization as well (Vries 2006, p. 12- 13). In comparison, the three definitions indicate that effective lea dership aims at achieving certain goals after a given period of time. Secondly, all the definitions show that effective le

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gay Marriage - Essay Example There has been a deep involvement by various state legislatures in public debates over the definitions of marriages and if the official recognition of marriage should be accorded to the couples that belong to the same sex (Wardle 177). Currently, laws that allow marriages between people that are of the same sex exist in the District of Columbia as well as seventeen other states. In developments that have occurred recently, federal judges in various places including, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia as well as other places have ruled that the bans that are directed at marriages between people of the same sex are unconstitutional and the rulings have been put on hold as they await appeals. The Supreme Court in New Mexico ruled in December 2013 that the people who lived as couples in the state and were of same sex were allowed to marry each other while the Illinois and Hawaii Legislatures embraced legislation that allowed people of the same sex to marry each other in November 2013. Earlier, in October, the Supreme Court in New Jersey had declined to postponement of a state District Court decision that required the state to recognize marriages taking place between people who were of the same sex and the governor made the announcement that the state would abandon its appeal to allow the state to permit the marriages. Religious factors are more often than not involved in the arguments of whether to allow or prohibit gay marriages and some of the religious associations do not give job opportunities or serve couples that are of the same sex (Duncan and Jones 39). The Christian groups that support this kind of union argue that the people who are in these relationships are God’s creation and should therefore be treated the same way as the other people. The ones that are opposed to it argue that the relationships go against morals as well as the will of God while subverting the objective of humanity that is to bear children. There is a varied approach by the Jewish church

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Investigation the Consumer Needs and Quality Marketing Essay

Investigation the Consumer Needs and Quality Marketing - Essay Example In order to meet consumer requirements and behavior, marketing research is conducted. Marketing Research helps to identify an appropriate marketing mix. Marketing Mix is actually the right combination of product, price, place, and promotion. Such research may either be formal or informal. Behavior that influences a consumer to prefer one brand over another is known as Consumer Behavior. It is all about the choices and preferences of a final consumer. McGraw-Hill/Irwin defined Consumer Behavior as The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. Marketers use this knowledge to product design and price determination. Before making a purchase, consumers go through five stages of decision-making process such as; need recognition and problem awareness, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and post-purchase evaluation. First of all, the consumer recognizes his need. For example, a need for water in thirst. Then a consumer finds out the options available to meet his deprivation.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Assignment 3 - Essay Example Furthermore an understanding and integration of filtering, meaning watching, and meaning constriction also will be discussed. It is the hope of this author that through such an analysis the means by which individuals are marketed to as well is the means by which individuals relate to and understand marketing will be understood to a further degree. The first of the magazines which will be analyzed within this brief discussion is that of â€Å"Woman’s Day†. Exhibition of the niche market and segmentation that â€Å"Woman’s Day† represents is instantly noted by its cover. Whereas the covers of nearly every surrounding magazine have pictured upon them stylize, airbrushed, and otherwise unreasonable representations of beauty, the current edition of â€Å"Woman’s Day† features upon its cover representations of several culinary treats. As a function of the representation of food, and the overtly obvious title that the magazine exhibits, the individu al understands that this particular magazine is geared specifically towards a female audience most likely between the ages of 30 to 65. Accordingly the lifestyle that is exhibited by such market segmentation is likely that of a homemaker; or at least an individual that is highly interested in cooking and homemaking. Naturally the values and attitudes that such a magazine seeks to express are somewhat more muted and conservative than many of the other offerings that might be seen within a local magazine rack. Conversely, with respect to the magazine â€Å"Seventeen†, the subject matter is almost entirely different. As one can see both from the title and the highly sexualized imagery available on the front cover, the magazine seeks to integrate with a young consumer that is highly conscious of their clothing, busy, and overall sex of fuel. As a function of this nearly every single article that is advertised on the cover speaks to some if not all of these three subcategories of interest. Although it cannot be definitively stated by this author the upper bounds of the age group that â€Å"Seventeen† magazines might appeal, it is safe to assume that the magazine is most certainly geared towards an audience between the ages of 15 to 27 years of age. Although broad statements cannot be made with regards to the values attitudes and lifestyle of the consumer that might integrate with such a magazine, it is also safe to assume that these will necessarily be more liberal, relaxed, and open-minded than those the VALS that were exhibited within the market segmentation and representation of â€Å"â€Å"Woman’s Day†Ã¢â‚¬ . Finally, with regards to â€Å"Maxim† magazine the demographic and segmentation that is targeted and marketed to is almost exclusively male. â€Å"Maxim† represents a unique case due to the fact that many of the market strategies that are employed to sell the magazines are not entirely unlike the same marketing s trategies and segmentations that the pornography industry utilizes to sell their magazines. Accordingly, from a cursory review of cover as well as the stories, the main thrust of the magazine is concentric upon male sex drive. As such females are represented, both on the cover and inside magazine, and highly erotic (albeit clothed) poses whereas the stories that the company these representations are almost always concentric upon what might be understood as typical male behavior. As with â€Å"